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Adorable Baby Throws His Hands in the Air, Waves Them Like He Just Don’t Care

Kent Siri created a supercut of his adorable baby song Kaden throwing his hands up in the air and waving them like he just don’t care. The video is set to different songs that asks listeners to “throw their hands up” at the appropriate moment. Siri says this is Kaden’s usual morning routine after being unswaddled.


The #wakingupwithkaden SuperCut. I’m standing by for my VMA nomination.

UPDATE: Whoa. What happened here? A million views??? We are completely shocked at the overwhelming response to our little guy’s morning wake up routine. Thanks to all who have liked, commented, and shared!

We’ve decided to give the K-man his own little space where we can post fun videos and pictures for anyone who’s interested.

You can find and follow his Facebook page here: KPtheBaby and also find him on Instagram and Snapchat @KPtheBaby.

Thanks again for all the L-O-V-E! – Kent, Tara, and Kaden.

#hapababy #hapababies #flashbackfriday #partyintheusa #djkhaled #ymca #allidoiswin #queenbey HALO Sleep Ellen DeGeneres Jimmy Fallon Good Morning America

Posted by Kent Siri on Friday, March 31, 2017

via Scary Mommy