Take Some Time to Enjoy the TV Pilot “Bubble” by Jordan Morris

Jordan, Jesse, Go! host, @Midnight writer, and GARABA-coiner Jordan Morris wrote the very funny sci-fi comedy pilot "Bubble" and staged…

Here They Are, Your #VeryGoodTweets for This Week

We caught some #VeryGoodTweets again this week, and here they are. Enjoy. https://twitter.com/chuuew/status/854383853825388545 https://twitter.com/lizardschwartz/status/854065789237940224 https://twitter.com/erfmufn/status/854311811381841921…

This Doll Is Definitely Haunted, Right?

When I die, however I go out, I want it investigated as a murder and…

Puddles Pity Party Gives Me an Early Anniversary Present With a Cover of “Moon River”

It is well established that I love Puddles Pity Party. https://www.instagram.com/p/BR6_wSZgBd9/?taken-by=glentickle I also love my…

My Daughter Has Cooler Toothpaste Than I Do and I’m Jealous

My daughter has super dope Batman toothpaste. It's purple and it tastes like fruit punch.…

I Love How Much Marina Hates Doing Paperwork [Sketch]

How was tax day, everybody? Sucked, right? Because doing paperwork suuuuuuucks. Here's a sketch by…

Couple Celebrates Wedding Anniversary at Great Smoky Mountains National… Pirl?

Happy couple Mark and Sarah celebrated their wedding anniversary with a trip to the Great…