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I Guess This Comedy Site Covers Parenting Now Because–JESUS CHRIST, AMELIA! DADDY IS TRYING TO TYPE

Thought I’d get an early jump on some posts this morning since I was out of commission on Friday, and because my four-year-old daughter Amelia woke up screaming at 5:30am to tell me she had a scary dream.

“I dreamt we were playing choo choo but you were going first and I wanted to go first. It was horrible.”

Cute now, sure, but at 5:30am just like, go back to sleep kid. Daddy’s tired and he has to wake up in a few hours to sling that hot humor content on the internet.

So yes, we’ll cover some parenting stuff here because I’m a parent and–hang on. What, Amelia? Yes. Yeah. Mimi’s going to be here soon. Okay, sure. Yes. The Rice Krispies are trolls and you’re a bergen. Eat all the trolls, sweetie.

This is probably not a surprise to anyone who’s seen me perform comedy in the past four years since most of my material is about my daughter. She even tells a joke on my album, which I talk about being my favorite moment in comedy in this video I made.

So if you thought I was going to run a humor site and not write posts about parenting… I don’t know why you would think that. I like being a dad a lot so I’m going to write about it on here. 

Yes, Amelia. Trolls are delicious. Yum yum trolls.