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Jerk! The Magazine, A Magazine About Jerks That You Send to Jerk You Don’t Like

I’m happy to announce my next project, Jerk! The Magazine, which is a print magazine that people will subscribe jerks to. Don’t like that the jerk next door never cuts their grass? Then subscribe to Jerk! The Magazine, because when you subscribe to Jerk! The Magazine, we don’t send it to you. We send it to that jerk you don’t like.

The Kickstarter for Jerk! The Magazine launched yesterday, and it’s already closing in on its initial funding goal. That first goal means I’ll produce ONE issue of the magazine, making this more of a novelty gag gift. If we hit our second funding goal, I will produce FOUR issues, making this thing a legitimate quarterly publication, and that’s a lot funnier to me.

Here’s a quick mockup of what a cover of Jerk! The Magazine would look like, featuring the biggest jerk in the world, Ben Youngerman.