If you’re looking for an interesting Twitter account to follow, may we recommend @PulpLibrarian? The account regularly posts interesting art primarily from the covers of old pulp novels, and today they’re tweeting about clowns. That’s probably got something to do…
Greetings, American comedy fan. It me. Russian hacker. I hack Humor Weakly for glory of Mother Russia like cousin hack American Daily Show earlier this week. Is not desperate publicity ploy. Is real hack. I real Russian hacker. I hack your American…
This is my friend Ryan Houssein. Good guy. We used to wait tables together and we look alike. I ran into his mom last month and forgot to tell him. (Ryan, I ran into your mom outside my daughter’s birthday…
Until recently, I’ve worked a steady freelance writing job entirely from home. Mostly from my couch, occasionally from my bed, and on a nice days from my hammock. That situation was wonderful and I wish all my former coworkers the best. It allowed me to spend lots of time with my wife and daughter, sleep late, save on gas, but perhaps most importantly; it’s really prepared me for unemployment now that the freelance gig in question is over.
Almost all of Jack’s career was based around him being the butt of his own joke. He’s a bad violinist. He’s cheap. He’s old (but always insists he’s 39). It’s the kind of comedy that laid the groundwork for things like Curb Your Enthusiasm and Louie. In Steve Martin’s memoir Born Standing Up, he reflects on his early comedic influences,
I just started watching the NBC comedy Trial & Error and really like it. You might like it too. John Lithgow is a dufus accused of killing his wife, and every line he has in the show is wonderful. Also, Lithgow’s last name…
It’s probably not, but like… is it? I don’t know. Grumpy. Tiny hands. Pushy. Needs a nap. Probably wearing a diaper. It could be, right? I haven’t seen Boss Baby and I’m probably not going to, but its star…