I, Humor Weakly Managing Editor Glen Tickle, am curating the Social Medium Comedy Tent for Allentown ArtsFest 2017! You can submit by clicking the link below or this one right here.
All performers will get an HD video of their set, photographs on stage, and we’ll be recording the shows for a Best of ArtsFest album to raise money for the festival. We’ll also be offering whatever amenities we can at the festival to make sure everyone has the best show possible and just generally enjoys the experience (and to justify the modest $10 entry fee.)
The festival is really looking to expand their comedy offerings from previous years so we’ll be looking at ALL TYPES of comedy to produce shows all three nights. So end us your standup, improv, and anything else you’d like to submit. I performed there in 2015 and it was a lot of fun. I regularly perform at the Alternative Gallery in Allentown, which is organizing the event. That is also fun. Comedy is fun.
Come do comedy in a tent at a festival.